I live in Texas now. And you’re correct my 2022 property taxes aren’t due until January 31 on the Texas home I call my primary residence for tax purposes (and happen to live in).
Are you saying it would be okay for me to run for senator in any other state I randomly choose and if I happen to win just move there before the 2023 session starts?
Yep... You can do that unless the state has a specific law saying something different.
If there is not state law defining residence as it pertains to running for office, the constitution of US applies. And the constitution is vague. It just says, you must be a resident before being officially elected.
For example, you actually can win the election in another state while not being a resident there. But, you have to become a resident before the election is certified by the Secratary of State (usually 3-4 weeks later).
This issue with Herschel is not a big deal.
I got this info form a liberal lawyer on TikTok. You know its not a big deal if they are giving Herschell a pass on this.