Very dangerous notorious for burning down houses playing with the stove plus if they ever get pissed off they try to gouge your eyes out and rip off your nuts. Decided against getting one because I already had an Irish girlfriend.
Very dangerous notorious for burning down houses playing with the stove plus if they ever get pissed off they try to gouge your eyes out and rip off your nuts. Decided against getting one because I already had an Irish girlfriend.
Very dangerous notorious for burning down houses playing with the stove plus if they ever get pissed off they try to gouge your eyes out and rip off your nuts. Decided against getting one because I already had an Irish girlfriend.
I’m surprised luggage doesn’t get stolen more often when people travel. It’s not like security is monitoring it. I’m referring to non-traveling thieves showing up at airports & doing this.
I’m surprised luggage doesn’t get stolen more often when people travel. It’s not like security is monitoring it. I’m referring to non-traveling thieves showing up at airports & doing this.