Some people are interesting- and they happen to be gamblers.
Gambling itself does not make anyone more or less interesting to me - nor does it make them any more or less “cheap” or value driven.
Plenty of poorly educated gamblers out there who don’t understand value. And plenty who do and will seek it out wherever possible. Smart people (gamblers included) do it the “right way” - remain polite and direct in what you are ASKING about (never demanding) - smart people understand the value of a loyal client and even if they can’t grant the request - extend options and seek to engage the customer and smart customers work with those who are willing to work with them.
Regardless of whatever comp or bonus you are asking for - always understand the value of everyday low cost as well. Too many people think only of the bonus in front of them - and get way too greedy jumping on too good to be true bonus opportunities from small shops. Just because I CAN get 125% cash on my first deposit doesn’t mean I should be investing 5k - unless I am very comfortable in losing it (typically I am not - YMMV). Start with 500-1k - say you want to see how it goes and ask to extend it for a few deposits. If they say no - you know who you are dealing with and move on accordingly. It’s a matter of trust both ways.