I figure it will go fast.
10k is nothing - but never know if the server gets crushed the first few seconds.
Figure a $40 ticket is now closer to a $80 ticket with the fees they tack on - still if it allows a couple of people to take a kid out to a baseball game free - or to attend a concert - that’s what’s important.
The ticket game is honestly so annoying these days I can’t stand it. I remember years ago standing in line at a department store beginning at 4AM for concert tickets or going in and buying baseball tickets. You didn’t complain that your seats weren’t immediately behind home plate or that you weren’t first 3 rows end of aisle - you were just freaking happy to be able to go and anywhere close to the event.
Now the freaking resale apps - if tickets aren’t premium it’s impossible to resell it feels. Worse - places are jacking up prices insanely - saying it’s to prevent the scalpers from making all the money (like they aren’t taking a 50% cut in the resale market they own too).
Used to be musicians toured to gain exposure and profited from selling music - now with streaming that’s not a thing selling physical music. At the same time - selling tickets isn’t really profitable u less your a huge name who can sell areas and even then it’s no where near as profitable as people think. Take a band touring - you got the profit being split 5 ways amongst the band - you’ve got a touring staff of 10-15 people making roughly 30k each a month during the tour - a couple of coaches and drivers rent for 2500-3500 a day and the same for an 18 wheeler with your stage set up/sound system (2 of those - 1 always running in advance to the next city). You’re talking something like 2.5 million a month to tour. So you’re selling tickets for $40 and getting HALF that after fees. You got to sell 125k tickets a month or about 8-10k a date before you see dollar one in profit. Of course you’ve got a label behind you who advanced thousands of dollars to get you to this point and they want their share too. When you hear musicians bitch about being broke after touring - they are not kidding.