That's the moral issue Stormtrooper brought up. Killing a person in another country for an Op Ed was not a moral or justifiable act.
You're indicating that you agree that SA had the right to assassinate Jamal Khashoggi for writing Op Ed articles about MBS because, SA had a law that said they could. Wow. How can you morally agree with 1) that law, and 2) that what they did was OK. How is that morally justifiable? Just because the US does stuff (assassinations) doesn't make it morally right.
If you agree SA had that right then you would agree with the following statement...."every country, regardless of its borders, regardless of what ancient and inhuman laws they have on the books have the right to implement those laws outside their own country as they see fit and it is morally ok to do so."
That my friend is insane.
I give up. You win the argument since I can't argue with your moral code.