we would never make it to jury. hahaha
I know, right?
I got called to jury duty once.
Walked in, took my seat, place was fukkin packed.
Lots of potential jurors sitting next to me.
So I'm sitting there looking, and I see the two opposing sides.
So on the one side I see an old black man and the other 4 guys in suits.
So as I'm listening to what's going on, it's being explained that the spook was a driver for this company and apparently there had been an accident and the company was trying to blame him for it and get out of paying out whatever they were being sued for.
So I'm like the fukk did I just hear?
So the judge is going down the row of potential jurors asking if there's any reason they couldn't serve.
Everybody saying no.
So the judge gets to me....is there any reason you can't serve?
Me: Matter of fact your honor, there certainly is.
Judge: What is your reason?
Me: Because this case is a corporation vs. an individual, there is no way I could ever decide for the corporation.
Judge: No matter what the evidence says?
Me: I couldn't care less.
Judge gets a shock look on his face, raises his gavel and says dismissed.