I had a course in high school. It may have been mandatory but not sure.
Sadly didn’t teach that in my HS - but learned several other skills such as:
- using a manual typewriter
- climbing a rope to the gym ceiling
- algebra
- writing and balancing checkbook
All highly useful skills that I use at least weekly - if not daily….oh wait - I haven’t done any of these things in 30+ years.
To be fair - no one could have saw the end of paper checks coming so fast and it does have practical applications still - but the other stuff was as useless as the Mythology class they offered. I mean stuff like woodshop/welding/small engine repair was at least somewhat useful when we weren’t goofing off. But the amount of time spent on some stuff is just pointless. I’m a big proponent of life skills being taught in HS (preferably year 1 and 2) - keep it segmented and have outside speakers/guest teachers and teach stuff like CPR/basic life saving first aid - intro to civics/politics and other general skills that can also introduce 13-15 year olds to people in a field/industry that they might not be exposed to otherwise.
Maybe one of those few hundred kids you teach CPR/basic life saving skills to saves a life - or maybe they find an interest in nursing/EMT and a connection who can help further that interest.