Big picture:
Laws originate in elected bodies. The CDC is no such body
Micro picture:
The CDC is a research & public policy agency. It's creation was to advise on public policy measures during times of uncertainty related to health issues.
Because politicians were afraid to go on the record w masking mandates they deferred to the CDC, basically to avoid the political blowback of "being wrong" on the science & policy itself, which is exactly what occurred.
SCOTUS should, and likely will, remind the CDC that their role is NOT to make law or dictate public behavior. Afterall, if this ruling stands, then the DOT could mandate Noone drive over 45 mph as it would save lives; the EPA could mandate no company produce phosphorus as it would save lives and the FDA could mandate no one eat pizza because it will save lives.
BIGGER court hearing is the PA GOP recount headed to SCOTUS regarding McCormick & 3rd circut ruling last year. In that ruling, undated ballots were allowed to be counted despite the STATE law stating otherwise. If SCOTUS grants an injunction here, undated ballots will no longer be counted and PA will effectively had election reform via the bench, re-instating the actual legislative laws that were ignored in 2020 election, the basis for the Trump lawsuits, that never got heard prior to the Jan 6 certification of the Electoral College.