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Bookmaker lied to me for $5,300

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Mar 30, 2018
Bookmaker modifies my bet! My original bet was baseball MLB Los Angeles Dodgers - San Francisco Giants at 30 Mar 2018, 07:08 China Time. I bet San Francisco Giants and the odds are 3.9. When the results came out, I won, but They modified my betting and modified it to baseball MLB Los Angeles Dodgers - San Francisco Giants at 31 Mar 2018, 10:10 China Time (the game has not yet begun). I know because the odds for my betting are very different from the 31st.
What should I do next?



Mar 30, 2018
This is my betting interface (they have been modified to have not yet played the match), the same teammates played two games in total, already finished yesterday, and the other one has not yet started. They are MLB Los Angeles Dodgers. - San Francisco Giants at 30 Mar 2018, 07:08 China Time (I actually bet this one, it's already finished, the result is I won), the other one is MLB Los Angeles Dodgers - San Francisco Giants at 31 Mar 2018, 10:10 China (This hasn't started yet. They transferred my bets to this one). There was another match at the MLB Kansas City Royals - Chicago White Sox at 30 Mar 2018, 04:15 China time (this one was already played and I bet it, but they said that I was betting on a match for the 31st. But this game I simply couldn't find in No. 31). I noticed that the odds I bet on is 3.9, Only the first game has such odds. It is obvious that they have modified my bets.



Mar 30, 2018


聊天开始时间 2018年3月30日上午6:37:14 GMT + 04:00
聊天结束时间 2018年3月30日8:04:01 GMT + 04:00
持续时间(实际聊天时间) 1时26分46秒
操作者 杰夫

信息: 感谢您选择与我们聊天。代理商很快就会与您联系。
信息: 您现在正在与Becca聊天。
Becca:欢迎来到我们的即时聊天部门。我的名字是Becca。我怎样才能获得帮助?BKR: 我打赌的情况是什么?BKR: 356947439 Becca:那场比赛是为了星期天。Becca:我邀请您查看比赛日期。BKR: 不,这是不可能的。我现在找不到这个游戏。BKR: 所以我昨晚不能赌这个地方 BKR: 我怀疑你已经修改了我的投注 BKR: 请回复我! BKR: 你为什么不回答我?

BKR: 我已经截图
BKR: 356947807,356943017,这两款游戏也是,你们修改了我的下注,你非常可恶
BKR: 为什么不说话!
BKR: 你在吗?
Becca:是的,先生。我在这里 Becca:但请注意,我们不会修改任何赌注。Becca:那些被放置在网上。Becca:我会再次推荐检查您选择的比赛日期。BKR: 我打赌这场比赛明天将不会有3.9的赔率。你们是个骗子。Becca:先生,我会建议你确认你的公开投注。BKR: 请给我我的本金并且赚到钱,否则我会向你抱怨 BKR:

Becca:如果您对此投注有任何抱怨,请与他们于上午8点开放的投注部门联系。BKR: 我会尽快向你投诉 Becca:我很抱歉,先生。Becca:今天还有什么我可以帮助你的吗?BKR: 请立即赔偿 Becca:没有理由补偿Sir,这场比赛是为了星期天。Becca:你选择了这些线条。Becca:在线。BKR: 你是一群骗子 Becca:我很抱歉你有这种感觉,我们为你服务。BKR:

Becca:请将我转移到我的主管。信息: 请稍候,您的聊天转移到Jeff。信息: 你现在正在和杰夫聊天。杰夫:你好,晚上好。BKR:

博彩公司修改我的赌注!我最初的投注是棒球MLB洛杉矶道奇队 - 旧金山巨人队在2018年3月30日,07:08中国时间。我敢打赌,旧金山巨人队的赔率是3.9。当结果出来时,我赢了,但他们修改了我的投注,并在2018年3月31日,10:10中国时间(比赛尚未开始)将其修改为棒球MLB洛杉矶道奇队 - 旧金山巨人队。我知道,因为我投注的赔率与第31位大不相同。他们骗了我大约5,300美元
杰夫:为了更好地协助您,请确认您的帐号和密码。BKR: bkr516927 h1989j1224x Jeff:感谢您确认您的帐号,仍然等待您确认您的6位密码,以便我可以查看您所做的投注。

BKR: 857103
杰夫:谢谢。杰夫:我看到3个开放的赌注,他们全部被放置并在线确认。杰夫:他们都在3月31日在太平洋中午12点进行比赛。杰夫:网站上陈述的比赛时间表只是一个指南。BKR: 系列赛[211]旧金山巨人队3.90(ACTION)比赛开始03/31/201812:00 PM BKR: 请参阅赔率是3.9。这场比赛在第31场比赛中是不可能的。BKR: 系列赛[225]芝加哥白袜队2.40(ACTION)比赛开始03/31/201812:00 PM门票#356947439 BKR: 另外,我根本找不到你的网站。杰夫:关于旧金山的比赛。

杰夫:当你拿到线时,它的行动是3.90,现在是2.66。杰夫:线路可能在任何时候都会改变,但是如果您确认了投注,您确认了线路价格和赔率,那么此后不会有机会。BKR: 我检查了赔率历史,从未有过3.9杰夫:你是什​​么意思赔率历史?杰夫:没有办法让你看到改变之前的先前赔率。杰夫:你可以与其他书进行比较,但这并不意味着我们提供的线与其他书相同。BKR: 我在这场比赛中检查了赔率变化的过程,从来没有3.9杰夫:在你拿到它的时候这条线是3.90,这就是为什么它显示确认。

BKR: 当我投注时,我被证实是今天的比赛,而不是明天的
BKR: 我非常肯定这个
杰夫: 你所有的公开投注都是在线制作和确认的。杰夫:你今天的比赛没有赌注。BKR: 如果你把钱还给我,我可以做任何没有发生的事情。如果你不回报它,我会告诉世界你只是一群骗子。杰夫:这就是为什么它显示在你的开放式投注部分。杰夫:我们知道你可以自由地思考你认为有必要的事情,从我们的最终我们为你服务。我们已经在这个行业工作了25年以上,只有一种方法可以实现这一目标,并且通过提供认真的服务。BKR:

杰夫:一旦你确认赌注,就不可能取消或修改它。BKR: 但我敢肯定你在欺骗我 BKR: 系列赛[225]芝加哥白袜队2.40(ACTION)比赛开始03/31/201812:00 PM门票#356947439杰夫:我们不是先生,我们没有必要做到这一点,我们再一次在这个行业中拥有超过25年的历史。杰夫:两次投注都已经过审查,这是最终的。BKR: 请看看这场比赛,我现在找不到它杰夫:我已经检查了两次投注。杰夫:你可以自由登录到你的账户去MLB部分。杰夫:

BKR: 系列赛[225]芝加哥白袜队2.40(ACTION)比赛开始03/31/201812:00 PM门票#356947439
杰夫:还有什么我可以帮助你今天吗?BKR: 我不能在周日打这场比赛,因为我找不到它。我只能看到明天的比赛。请看我的意思。BKR: 你不承认。今天你让我失去5300美元。我会让你失去更多。杰夫:

BKR: 系列赛[225]芝加哥白袜队2.40(ACTION)比赛开始03/31/201812:00 PM我现在找不到这场比赛。我昨天如何下注?
BKR: 系列赛[225]芝加哥白袜队2.40(ACTION)比赛开始03/31/201812:00 PM我现在找不到这场比赛。我昨天怎么赌?

杰夫:今天还有什么我可以帮助你的吗?BKR: 当我下注这两场比赛时,他们都是最近的,我怎么能指定比赛的那一天?BKR: 当我打赌这两场比赛时,他们都是最近的。我怎么能打赌这明天的比赛?杰夫:你需要检查它在标题上的位置,比赛日期总是表示在顶部,特别是在棒球中,你通常可以在不同的日期找到不同比赛的线路,特别是因为例如以24小时差异进行比赛。杰夫:

杰夫:那些是现在可用的线路。杰夫:如果你想在第31场比赛中再次投注,你将需要等待线路再次发布。BKR: 你的网站的时间是否从上到下是从近到远的 BKR: 你给的话是不令人信服的 BKR: 我已经将我的问题提交给SBR,我将把它上传到更多站点 Jeff:

杰夫:我们知道你可以自由地做你认为你需要做的事情,从我们的最终,我们随时准备为你解答任何问题。BKR: 我已经证实我打赌:洛杉矶道奇队 - 旧金山巨人队在2018年3月29日23:08和堪萨斯城皇家队 - 芝加哥白袜队在2018年3月29日20:15。BKR: 这是令人怀疑的 BKR: 我的确认无需怀疑杰夫:

BKR: 356947807,356947439,356943017
杰夫:这些票是我们已经过去的。杰夫:我向你证实,他们都是在31日进行的比赛。杰夫:随意在开放式投注部分看到下注点。BKR: 不可能杰夫:除了那些我可以帮助你的门票之外还有别的东西吗?BKR: 我可以证实这是不可能的。杰夫:根本不可能,这就是为什么你确认了赌注。杰夫:在这种情况下,请随时在开放式投注部分查看它们。杰夫:

BKR: 请在第31场比赛中提供你的赔率变化

信息: 感谢您与我们聊天。



Mar 30, 2018
The following is a record of my online chat.(Red is what I say, black is what customer service says)

General Info
Chat start time March 30, 2018 6:37:14 AM GMT+04:00
Chat end time March 30, 2018 8:04:01 AM GMT+04:00
Duration (actual chatting time) 01:26:46
Operator Jeff

Chat Transcript
Info: Thank you for choosing to chat with us. An agent will be with you shortly.
Info: You are now chatting with Becca.
Welcome to our Live Chat Department. My name is Becca. How may I be of assistance?
BKR: What is my situation with this bet?
BKR: 356947439
That game is for sunday.
I invite you to check on the date of the games.
BKR: No, it's impossible. I can't find this game right now.
BKR: So I couldn't bet this place last night
BKR: I suspect that you have modified my betting
BKR: please reply me!
BKR: Why do not you answer me?
BKR: I have screenshot
BKR: 356947807,356943017,These two games are also, you guys modified my bets, you are very hateful
BKR: Why not talk!
BKR: Are you here?
Yes, Sir. I'm here
But be aware we do not modify any bet.
Those were placed online.
I would recommend once again to check the date of the games you selected.
BKR: I'm betting this game is playing no odds for 3.9 tomorrow. You guys are a liar.
Sir, I would recommend you to verify your open bets.
BKR: Please give me my principal and earn money, otherwise I will complain to you
BKR: You deceived my money. You are so hateful.
If you have any complain in regards of this wagers, please contact the Wagering department they open at 8am PST.
BKR: I will complain to you soon
My apologies Sir.
Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
BKR: Please compensate me immediately
There is no reason to compensate Sir, this games are for Sunday.
You selected those lines.
BKR: You are a group of crooks
I'm sorry you feel that way, we are at your service.
BKR: There is no odds for betting on the number 31 you are talking about. Please check! ! ! !
Please hold while I transfer you to my supervisor.
Info: Please wait while your chat is transferred to Jeff.
Info: You are now chatting with Jeff.
Hello good evening.
BKR: Bookmaker modifies my bet! My original bet was baseball MLB Los Angeles Dodgers - San Francisco Giants at 30 Mar 2018, 07:08 China Time. I bet San Francisco Giants and the odds are 3.9. When the results came out, I won, but They modified my betting and modified it to baseball MLB Los Angeles Dodgers - San Francisco Giants at 31 Mar 2018, 10:10 China Time (the game has not yet begun). I know because the odds for my betting are very different from the 31st.They deceived me about 5,300 U.S. dollars
In order to better assist you please confirm your account number and pin code.
BKR: bkr516927 h1989j1224x
Thank you for confirming your account number, still waiting for you to confirm your 6 digit pin code so I can check on the wagers you made.
BKR: 857103
Thank you.
I see 3 open wagers all of them placed and confirmed online.
All of them are showing game date March 31st going off at 12:00pm Pacific.
Game time schedules stated on the website are just a guide.
BKR: Series [211] San Francisco Giants 3.90 ( ACTION ) Game start03/31/201812:00 PM
BKR: Please see that the odds are 3.9. This odds is not possible in the 31st match.
BKR: Series [225] Chicago White Sox 2.40 ( ACTION ) Game start03/31/201812:00 PM Ticket #356947439
BKR: In addition, I couldn't find it on your website at all.
In regards to San Francisco's game.
When you took the line it was in deed 3.90 now it's 2.66.
Lines may change at any time, however if you confirmed a wager you confirmed it with the line price and odds you took, it doesn't chance after that.
BKR: I checked the odds history, never had 3.9
What do you mean odds history?
There is not a way for you to see what are the previous odds when the change.
You can make a comparison with other books but it doesn't mean the line we offer is the same as other books.
BKR: I checked the course of the odds change in this game, never 3.9
The line was at 3.90 at the time you took it and that's why it shows it confirmed.
BKR: When I was betting I was confirmed today’s game, not tomorrow’s
BKR: I am very sure of this
Jeff: All the open bets you have were made and confirmed online.
You didn't bet on today's game.
BKR: If you return the money back to me, I can do anything that hasn’t happened. If you don’t return it, I’ll tell the world that you are just a group of crooks.
That's why it shows on your open wagers section.
We understand you are free to think what you consider necessary, from our end we are at your service. We have been in the industry for 25+ years and there's only one way to achieve that and it's by providing a serious service.
BKR: This is my hard money. You are so hateful.
Once you confirm a wager it's not possible to cancel it or modifying it.
BKR: But I’m pretty sure you’re deceiving me
BKR: Series [225] Chicago White Sox 2.40 ( ACTION ) Game start03/31/201812:00 PM Ticket #356947439
We are not sir, we have no need to do that, once again we have been in the industry for 25+ yeards.
Both wagers have been reviewed and this is final.
BKR: Please look at this game, I can't find it right now
I already checked both wagers.
You are free to log in to your account to go to the MLB section.
In this chat all we will be able to do is telling you what you confirmed in the system when placing your wagers online.
BKR: Series [225] Chicago White Sox 2.40 ( ACTION ) Game start03/31/201812:00 PM Ticket #356947439
Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
BKR: I can't bet Sunday on this game because I can't find it. I can only see tomorrow's game. Please see what I mean.
BKR: You don't admit it. Today you let me lose $5300. I'll let you lose more.
Today is Friday and it's the 30th, tomorrow is Saturday and it's going to be the 31st. Previous agent told you it was on Sunday due to a confusion with the dates but all bets you have are for games taking place tomorrow which is the Saturday 31st.
BKR: Series [225] Chicago White Sox 2.40 ( ACTION ) Game start03/31/201812:00 PM I can't find this game right now. How did I wager yesterday?
BKR: Series [225] Chicago White Sox 2.40 ( ACTION ) Game start03/31/201812:00 PM I can't find this game right now. How did I bet yesterday?
Because lines are posted and then they are usually removed for the line price to be updated.
If your question is how could you place a wager on a game or line that is not currently posted on the website the answer is because the line was posted when you placed the wager.
Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
BKR: When I bet these two games, they are all recent, how could I specify the day of the match?
BKR: When I bet these two games, they are all recent. How can I bet this tomorrow's game?
You need to check where it says on the tittle, game date is always stated at the top and specially in baseball you can usually find lines for different games on different dates specially because games take place with a 24 hour difference for example.
If you want to bet on today's game feel free to do it.
Those are the lines available right now.
If you want to make another bet on the 31st game you will need to wait for the lines to be posted again.
BKR: Whether the time of your website is from top to bottom is from near to far
BKR: The words you give are not convincing
BKR: I have submitted my question to SBR and I will upload it to more sites
I am not trying to sound convincing. I am just providing the information requested to you. Website works as an online catalog and we offer a lot of different lines in the website and you select which one you want to be on. We suggest you to check on the game date on the tittle before confirming your bet.
We understand you are free to do what you feel you need to do, from our end we are always at your service ready to answer any questions you may have.
BKR: I have already confirmed that I bet: Los Angeles Dodgers - San Francisco Giants at 29 Mar 2018, 23:08 and Kansas City Royals - Chicago White Sox at 29 Mar 2018, 20:15.
BKR: This is doubtful
BKR: My confirmation is no need to doubt
What's the ticket number you are referring to with that?
BKR: 356947807,356947439,356943017
Those tickets are the ones we went over already.
I confirmed to you all of them are confirmed for games taking place on the 31st.
Feel free to see the bet tittle on the open bets section.
BKR: impossible
Is there anything else besides those tickets that I could help you with?
BKR: I can confirm it is impossible
Not impossible at all, that's why you confirmed the bets.
In that case feel free to check them on the open bets section.
Sir I am going to ask you right now if there's anything else you want me to check on?
BKR: Please provide your odds changes at the 31st match



Jun 4, 2016
It is useless to change these, this site is too incomprehensible. But why also lists it as a reputable bookmaker

Thanks for posting the entire chat log.

I can see that you do not believe them but what they say really does make sense. :\

They have been around a long time and they have not been accused of this sort of wrong doing very often. And honestly, even with bad books, it is us as the player who makes the mistake most of the time.

I think all regular bettors have felt this pain of thinking we had bet a winner only to find out we bet the wrong game afterward at least once. And felt sure we did not make an error.

From that chat I do not think there is any chance they will reverse the decision but if you still want the bets for 31st cancelled you can fill out a complaint form and BMR might be able to make an appeal for goodwill and for them do that.



Mar 30, 2018
Thanks for posting the entire chat log.

I can see that you do not believe them but what they say really does make sense. :\

They have been around a long time and they have not been accused of this sort of wrong doing very often. And honestly, even with bad books, it is us as the player who makes the mistake most of the time.

I think all regular bettors have felt this pain of thinking we had bet a winner only to find out we bet the wrong game afterward at least once. And felt sure we did not make an error.

From that chat I do not think there is any chance they will reverse the decision but if you still want the bets for 31st cancelled you can fill out a complaint form and BMR might be able to make an appeal for goodwill and for them do that.

I think your heart is always toward them! Am I not saying that? Please read what I said and see the odds. You compare odds for these next games



Mar 30, 2018
Thanks for posting the entire chat log.

I can see that you do not believe them but what they say really does make sense. :\

They have been around a long time and they have not been accused of this sort of wrong doing very often. And honestly, even with bad books, it is us as the player who makes the mistake most of the time.

I think all regular bettors have felt this pain of thinking we had bet a winner only to find out we bet the wrong game afterward at least once. And felt sure we did not make an error.

From that chat I do not think there is any chance they will reverse the decision but if you still want the bets for 31st cancelled you can fill out a complaint form and BMR might be able to make an appeal for goodwill and for them do that.

I think your heart is always toward them! Am I not saying that? Please read what I said and see the odds. You compare odds for these next games

I think your heart is always toward them! Am I not right? Please read what I said and see the odds. You compare odds for these next games



Mar 30, 2018
Thanks for posting the entire chat log.

I can see that you do not believe them but what they say really does make sense. :\

They have been around a long time and they have not been accused of this sort of wrong doing very often. And honestly, even with bad books, it is us as the player who makes the mistake most of the time.

I think all regular bettors have felt this pain of thinking we had bet a winner only to find out we bet the wrong game afterward at least once. And felt sure we did not make an error.

From that chat I do not think there is any chance they will reverse the decision but if you still want the bets for 31st cancelled you can fill out a complaint form and BMR might be able to make an appeal for goodwill and for them do that.

I think your heart is always toward them! Isn’t it true that I’m speaking? Please read what I said and see the odds. You compare odds for these next games

BMR Admin

BMR Admin

Jan 29, 2018
Thanks for posting the entire chat log.

I can see that you do not believe them but what they say really does make sense. :\

They have been around a long time and they have not been accused of this sort of wrong doing very often. And honestly, even with bad books, it is us as the player who makes the mistake most of the time.

I think all regular bettors have felt this pain of thinking we had bet a winner only to find out we bet the wrong game afterward at least once. And felt sure we did not make an error.

From that chat I do not think there is any chance they will reverse the decision but if you still want the bets for 31st cancelled you can fill out a complaint form and BMR might be able to make an appeal for goodwill and for them do that.

Agree here...if you fill out a complaint form we can try to assist you .