I opened an account in this brazilian bookmaker which is a whitelabel of Betfair , supposedly the face of the house is a nettuno trader or fabio, after passing the verification system I deposited about 5000 BRL via pix.
After 2 weeks of use and many bets, I wanted to withdraw 12433 BRL, I made the request, I waited about 48h and I did not receive any money, I contacted the support and now they say that the account is suspended and that they cannot transfer my money.
I contacted them again and they stopped replying to emails.
Run away from these thieves, real fraud.
After 2 weeks of use and many bets, I wanted to withdraw 12433 BRL, I made the request, I waited about 48h and I did not receive any money, I contacted the support and now they say that the account is suspended and that they cannot transfer my money.
I contacted them again and they stopped replying to emails.
Run away from these thieves, real fraud.