Got $17.74 for BOL monthly bonus. Got greedy and was thinking we’ll also get a yearly bonus. But new month and new year and see if this bonus will get to $1k.
Simple man who only thinks one dimension. I have multiple accounts for different purposes. I like challenges and try to hit a certain limit with free bonuses. I’ve done it before starting with $25 to $1k at BOL.
But hey, keep on lying to yourself that you can think on multilevel.
Oh God, here’s the biggest idiot of them all. I used my Christmas bonus on myself, friends, and family. I use free bonuses to have fun. I’ll let you continue to post for scraps with nonsense redundant postings.
None on my streets where I live either. Not all of SF has crap. There is probably more manure on your streets and more outhouses you guys use than us city folks have.