So just signed up a few days ago with BetNow based on positive recommendations from a few other BMR members.
So far - so good. Of course no payouts to report - which is a key component of any experience - but service been good.
Sign up bonus of 100% FP with 6x RO (on both deposit and FP base amount) is competitive. Selection is major sports only and limits good and sufficient for most any non pro bettor.
From what I can see they don’t offer anything that really sets them apart from the competition - but good service/bonus and as long as they pay - still a useful out for bettors. Generic lines so far - but that’s most places these days.
Will update as I progress through my RO (about 1/4 of the way as of today) and as any payout is requested.
So far - so good. Of course no payouts to report - which is a key component of any experience - but service been good.
Sign up bonus of 100% FP with 6x RO (on both deposit and FP base amount) is competitive. Selection is major sports only and limits good and sufficient for most any non pro bettor.
From what I can see they don’t offer anything that really sets them apart from the competition - but good service/bonus and as long as they pay - still a useful out for bettors. Generic lines so far - but that’s most places these days.
Will update as I progress through my RO (about 1/4 of the way as of today) and as any payout is requested.