What bums. They prob are just about to get hit too hard on Nebraska and disconnected their site. You watch, 15 min after the kickoff iRRini/nebraska. Pissed i didnt get f5 over 5 in Pit/Cin
So they clearly lost their asses on the Jets 1st h/FT/2h and UN all ROdgers props last night and disabled the site to US players. That means we gotta go public tonight fellas, these cholos just gave us the script for the evening....
My ass. Those cholos got SMOKED last night. They still are scrambling to figure out how they are going to get the good across the border to make up for it.....
Oh and btw referencing a single dollar and lottery? Like that was a low key troll right? That I would be interested in such rubbish right? I never played their lottery one time call your buddies down there and verify but funny thing is you 100% have played it without question.