Marriage overrated people need space for the perfect balance in a relationship. I know there are couples out there that can find the balance, even though they live together like Tanko and his wife but that is rare lol.
Marriage overrated people need space for the perfect balance in a relationship. I know there are couples out there that can find the balance, even though they live together like Tanko and his wife but that is rare lol.
I always admire couples who can respect and give their partners a "Me Time". I mean, let the man enjoy his games or support his hobbies, and vice versa.
I always admire couples who can respect and give their partners a "Me Time". I mean, let the man enjoy his games or support his hobbies, and vice versa.
Yes it’s very important to have in a relationship. For the foreseeable future, I don’t wanna live with a woman full-time ever again. I was married for 10 years & It was absolutely horrible lol.
Yes it’s very important to have in a relationship. For the foreseeable future, I don’t wanna live with a woman full-time ever again. I was married for 10 years & It was absolutely horrible lol.
For me, I think marriage is ideal in your 20ss and early 30ss. But if you're already in your late 30s, 40s, and 50s, you are more into commitment or companionship, it really doesn't matter if later on, you both decide to get married or not.