We all know LONG term it’s the market - historically few players can profit long term betting and the average investor can make money in the market blindly picking major names.
Short term though it’s much different.
Is it time to think of taking the money I planned on using to reup ahead of baseball season and start chasing tech stocks ? Tech getting beaten down and feels like there’s room for some recovery. I’m looking at Robinhood right now - stock is like $36 - can sell $38 calls for next Friday for like $2 - taking your cost down to $34. Buy - sell the calls and hope it bounces back above $38 next week and make $4 a share (about 12%) for 8 days investment.
If it continues to get rough - there’s got to be a floor somewhere here right ? Say if it sinks lower than $30 get out. If it lands somewhere between $30-38 by next Friday - just hold and sell the calls again a week out at the same strike price or bump it up a little to say $40 if you like the direction it’s going.
Think I am going to do a few hundred shares and try to build the bankroll with 2 weeks to go until bases start. Won’t be big money either way - but hey $600-800 extra is a couple of games to take a free chance on for me.
Short term though it’s much different.
Is it time to think of taking the money I planned on using to reup ahead of baseball season and start chasing tech stocks ? Tech getting beaten down and feels like there’s room for some recovery. I’m looking at Robinhood right now - stock is like $36 - can sell $38 calls for next Friday for like $2 - taking your cost down to $34. Buy - sell the calls and hope it bounces back above $38 next week and make $4 a share (about 12%) for 8 days investment.
If it continues to get rough - there’s got to be a floor somewhere here right ? Say if it sinks lower than $30 get out. If it lands somewhere between $30-38 by next Friday - just hold and sell the calls again a week out at the same strike price or bump it up a little to say $40 if you like the direction it’s going.
Think I am going to do a few hundred shares and try to build the bankroll with 2 weeks to go until bases start. Won’t be big money either way - but hey $600-800 extra is a couple of games to take a free chance on for me.