Go to duck duck go (not google) and type in "soccer player dies suddenly."
Unfortunately, it does seem to be a "thing" now. Whether it's the vaccines, or covid, or something else is up for debate. But athletes are collapsing and/or dying far more often than they used to.
Of course, I am just getting this info from news articles. Same as the rest of us. So who really knows.
There had been pretty inaccurate numbers with regards to athletes suddenly collapsing. For example there was an estimated 1700 athletes in a 1 year span, and that has been proven to be completely false.
And in any case, there has been absolutely
zero evidence linking any increase in cardiac arrests to a vaccine.
There have been rare instances linking the vaccine to myocarditis, but that is
extremely rare. Like, waaaaay less likely to have an issue with that compared to having an issue with COVID itself
In this case, it's just dumb to even bring it up since we don't even know if this guy is vaccinated.