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Dec 24, 2012
Hello! I have problem with payout. Now I have balance 11320 USD here. I made withdrawal request in the first part of September. And I still have not recieved my money. My withdrawal methon is Moneybookers (Skrill). Every week I chat with them, and they answered, that I will recieve my money "this week". I still have not recieved my money. My withdrawal request was 5000 USD (maximum amount). Please help me to recieve my money.

Here is last chat transcripts with them:

Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'CS6'
CS6: Hello, how may I assist you today?
CS6: would you be so kind to provide me with your account number and password please?
you: Hello! Where is my money? I've made withdrawal request more than 3 month ago!!!
you: SP12620 ********
you: 2 weeks ago you promised me to payout in last week. I have not recieved my money again!
you: What happened?
CS6: let me check with the department in charge, please hold
you: ok
CS6: i apologize for the inconvenience this may have cause to you. How much is your request?
you: 5000$
CS6: perfect
CS6: checking
you: ok
CS6: your moneybooker account :
you: yes
CS6: ok
CS6: According to the Accounting Departmentall payouts will be sent during the week. I understand you heard this before and i understand how you feel, but my Supervisor will be working with your payment in a special condition,due to the delay and the time you have been waiting.
you: Ok. I'll believe you last time
you: Ok. I'll believe you last time
CS6: Thank you once again for your patience.
CS6: Have a great day!
you: Good bye.

Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'CS4'
CS4: Hello, how may I assist you today?
you: Hello! Will you process payouts in Saturday and Sunday?
CS4: The Accounting department does not work on weekends.
you: It mean that I will recieve my money today?
you: SP12620 ********
CS4: please allow me just a moment
you: ok
CS4: I just checked with the department in charge and yes, they have your payment scheduled for this week and it will be sent the latest on Sunday. Your payment is flagged by a supervisor and it is being scheduled to go out this week.
you: Thank you very much!
CS4: You are welcome.
CS4: Good bye.

Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'CS4'
CS4: Hello, how may I assist you today?
you: Hello! There is already Sunday, but I still have not recieved payout. Why? Sp12620 *********
CS4: Checking.
you: ok
CS4: Sir, I cannot get a hold of anyone in the payments section at Accounting department, they do not take calls in any hour but their time frame. If they said they are going to send the money today, they will. Just keep in mind we work in a different time zone than you.
you: Ok. Thanks. Last time you said that my payment is flagged by a supervisor. I think that it helps to finish my 3 month waiting today
CS4: That's the information I have here.
CS4: is there anything else that I might be able to help you with?
you: Continue waiting. What is your time right now?
CS4: 11:29am.
you: Thanks. Good bye
CS4: Have a nice day.

Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'CS4'
CS4: Hello, how may I assist you today?
you: Hello! Can I speak with your supervisor about my withdrawal? SP12620 *****
CS4: My supervisor does not take chats... But I'll ask him if he wants to take the chat with my user. Is that ok?
you: Ok
you: I heard this words last week
you: CS6: According to the Accounting Departmentall payouts will be sent during the week. I understand you heard this before and i understand how you feel, but my Supervisor will be working with your payment in a special condition,due to the delay and the time you have been waiting.
you: I have not recieved money
CS4: I'm going to call my supervisor.
CS4: One moment, please.
you: I want to speak with supervisor, that working with my payment
CS4: It is not the same supervisor.
CS4: The supervisor CS6 was referring to, was the Payments supervisor.
CS4: And that person will not be able to come and chat with you.
CS4: I can have may supervisor to chat here with you, but not that other supervisor.
you: Who can answer, why I have not recieved money?
CS4: Hold on.
you: ok
CS4: Sir, I checked with the person at Accounting. They say that the situation with Moneybookers has not being solved yet and that's why they haven't sent the funds... However, they are assuring me that they will be sending at least a partial payment to your account within the next 24 hours.
you: Are you laughing?
you: I heard this words every week within 3 month!
you: you can't payout 3 month!
you: Is it normal?
you: It is your words:
CS4: Sir, we have been having difficulties with the banks.
you: CS6: According to the Accounting Departmentall payouts will be sent during the week. I understand you heard this before and i understand how you feel, but my Supervisor will be working with your payment in a special condition,due to the delay and the time you have been waiting.
CS4: That's why we haven't sent the payment.
you: CS4: I just checked with the department in charge and yes, they have your payment scheduled for this week and it will be sent the latest on Sunday. Your payment is flagged by a supervisor and it is being scheduled to go out this week.
CS4: yes, we were expecting the funds to be released this week, before Christmas.
you: CS4: Sir, I cannot get a hold of anyone in the payments section at Accounting department, they do not take calls in any hour but their time frame. If they said they are going to send the money today, they will. Just keep in mind we work in a different time zone than you.
CS4: But they didn't receive the funds.
you: 3 MONTH!!!!!
CS4: Sir, I do not expect you to understand. I understand your position.. But that's the information I'm getting from the Accounting department.
you: Why you have not released funds imidiately after my request???
you: Why you do it only after 3 month??
CS4: What do you mean?
CS4: We are not holding any funds..
CS4: We are being held the funds, at our third party.
CS4: It is not that we do not want to send you the funds...
you: Why you lying me every week about payout "this week"?
CS4: We do not want to have you here chatting every day, nor dealing with this situation.
CS4: It is not that we want things this way.
CS4: but we will definitely send you the funds as fast as we can.
you: Are you laughing??
you: You think 3 mont is fast??
you: *month
CS4: I'm not saying 3 months is fast!
CS4: I said we will send you the funds as soon as we can.
you: you can't payout 3 month! Do you know sportsbook, that payout more than 3 month?
you: *One payout request every 7 days. Request may take 7-15 business days to process. All methods.
you: It is words from your site
you: I can't see anything about 3 month!
you: You lied me every week! Why I must believe you again?
CS4: Sir, I cannot say anything else. What I wrote above is the last update from Accounting.
you: Where is supervisor that working with my payment and promised me to payout last week?
CS4: You: I want to speak with supervisor, that working with my payment
CS4: CS4: It is not the same supervisor.
CS4: CS4: The supervisor CS6 was referring to, was the Payments supervisor.
CS4: CS4: And that person will not be able to come and chat with you.
CS4: CS4: I can have may supervisor to chat here with you, but not that other supervisor.
you: You spoke with him?
you: Who can spoke with him?
CS4: Yes, I already did!!! I already told you what he said!!!
you: It mean that he don't keep his words. Right?
CS4: Sir, I apologize for everything, all the inconveniences this may have caused.. But I'll not continue to argue with you. I can only transfer the information they already gave me and there is nothing more I can say.
CS4: If you have any further questions, please let me know, but I'll not continue to argue about if he keeps his words or not.
you: Continue waiting. May be you'll make Christmas present for me and payout this year.
CS4: Have a nice day. Good bye

BMR Forum

BMR Forum

Nov 15, 2012
We'll contact 24sportsweb on your behalf, but it's unlikely they will do anything.

They have been in the Orange list for quite some time and ultimately playing with low-rated bookmakers has risks.

BMR Forum

BMR Forum

Nov 15, 2012
24 Sports Web is offline

According to SBR, they are behind with hosting fees and no longer communicating with software provider Instant Action Sports.

You should try to contact Instant Action Sports, maybe they can provide you a bailout or possibly provide you with the contact details of the owners of 24SportsWeb