Lost both plays on CFL last night (CGY+4 and over 48.5). If Jordan hadn't dropped the TD in the last minute would have won both plays. SMH. Hell, even the 3Q dropped TD by CGY would have given me both plays. Seems like I'm snake bit.
But, screw it, I'll get back up and brush the dust off and get after it again.
Hope someone posts some edge they see on these games.
Good luck.
Probably a wise move.... But, for me, last night my wife called me a dumba$$ (confrmed by a variety of doctors), so I guess that means I'll be making some plays.
I don't understand the CFL schedule makers. Toronto has had 2 bye weeks so far this season, including one last week. SSK hasn't had a week off yet. WTH... That is some BS.