For Saturday I like:
K-State ML -133 BetOnline. I think this number gets larger over the next 24 hours.
Remember Fla Atl barely beat Memphis....
K-State and Memphis are very similar teams (Tempo/Off Effic/Def Effic) and Fla Atl played lights out vs Memphis and won by 1. An iffy call by the refs at the end when they didn't give Memphis the TO played into that win. I don't think Fla Atl gets as lucky vs K-state.
Also, Fla Atl has come on midway through 2H to win their last two games (FDU and Tenn). This has occurred due to the decent tempo they play and either slow tempo in the case of Tenn or lower Off Effic for FDU. K-state does not suffer from either of these issues.