As always, a great show! Sammy, you the old guy that's funny? When I was in route sales, most guys were under 35 (unless it was a very good route job, not many of them out there) or they are new and will not be pushing a two-wheeler long. They will find something else.
Were some great perks, fiftycint! Everyone paid the same rate for advertising. But I had control over which page and position the ads had. So they’d always try to bribe me with perks to give them the best spots.
Were some great perks, fiftycint! Everyone paid the same rate for advertising. But I had control over which page and position the ads had. So they’d always try to bribe me with perks to give them the best spots.
Bobby you were in AC this weekend and didn't go to the high school wrestling tourney at BoardwalkHall? WTF are you retarded.Epic event as NJ is stillone of the few hammer states left/I went for almost 10 years in a row and its the best.Has to workl ate Friday and Saturday as we are topping out soon on our building....not a good situation for you
Bobby you were in AC this weekend and didn't go to the high school wrestling tourney at BoardwalkHall? WTF are you retarded.Epic event as NJ is stillone of the few hammer states left/I went for almost 10 years in a row and its the best.Has to workl ate Friday and Saturday as we are topping out soon on our building....not a good situation for you
Bobby you were in AC this weekend and didn't go to the high school wrestling tourney at BoardwalkHall? WTF are you retarded.Epic event as NJ is stillone of the few hammer states left/I went for almost 10 years in a row and its the best.Has to workl ate Friday and Saturday as we are topping out soon on our building....not a good situation for you